Information and Directions around Deer Creek Checkpoints

More Info
(This information has been culled from various informative posts on
and r.m.p. Much of this information is quoted directly. A big thanks to
those who contributed this vital information [Tim, Drew, Neil, and esp.
Rob B, to name but a few])

Here is some information on the Deer Creek checkpoint and how to avoid it.
This is not surefire: the cops may mix things up a bit--change the
locations of the checkpoint--thus, the best defense is to play it as safe
as possible and use good judgment. Don't take any unnecessary risks. In
these times, where draconian measures are the norm when it comes to drug
related issues, the best defense is to be informed.  Please pass this
information along to anybody you know heading to Deer Creek in the future.

This is a true story of what happened to some heads after the Deer Creek
Furthur show: 

"I just heard my neighbors' horrifying account of the checkpoint.  It's at
one of those highway equipment depots, and they park all these cars in
there and shine lights on everyone.  They had a group of 30 or more heads
huddled in one corner, where they were searching through their HAIR and
stuff ...  in my friends' car, only Bill had the serious hair/beard/dye
style showing, and at one point a rookie cop with rubber gloves begged his
supervisor 'what about him?  what about him?' to which the older cop
replied 'we didn't see anything, can't search him'."


Here's an account from a local head: "The check point you guys reference
does exist & they do it for every show where the police might not like the
audience.  They have several checkpoints for Jimmy Buffet shows, they
boasted of arrests after the further show on the news, and I just saw that
about 100 people got arrested after the Lollapaloza show this week.  They
do sobriety tests & have drug dogs sniffing out cars.  So even if your
buddy drove (and is sober) & you're stoned immaculate, you'll both go to
jail if you have any buds left after the show."

However, there are definite limits to what can be done (although they are
often ignored). Technically, they must stop every car or every fifth car
or have some specific system--keep your eye out for what system they are
employing  They may not stop cars "at random" as this would allow them too
much discretion.  More importantly, they may not search your car during a
roadblock stop unless they subsequently arrest you or have probable cause
to believe that something is in your vehicle.  Note, however, that
"smelling dope" in the car after they stopped you would be enough for a
full blown search.

PLEASE NOTE: If you're traveling without any contraband please don't try
to go out of your way to avoid the checkpoint. It may be an inconvenience,
but it's extremely important that we send in some cars for good measure. 
This will be a big help to your sisters and brothers who will be taking
the alternative route, since if no cars are coming through the 'point, the
cops will re-group and probably set it up on another route. We must
maintain the illusion that we are uninformed.

** How to get around the checkpoint**

Option #1: 
Stay home and write a letter to the Chamber of commerce in Noblesville, IN
explaining why you are not coming to Deer Creek this year. Just tell them
you value your constitutional rights, which the law makers of Indiana
don't seem to care much about.

Option #2
Don't drive with any contraband in the car.

Option #3
Pilot/Subway truck stop). Take the next or 2nd exit past that, and back
road it. Get a map of the area first, you should not have too much trouble
with the area since most roads are straight, square, and in a grid around
there. Specifically, when you head toward Deer Creek, don't use the Deer
Creek exit. Instead, take the 37 north exit (just south of the Deer Creek
238 exit).  Follow it up to 238 & head back east (right) to the venue.
This will get you in the front lot, instead of the rear one.  When you
leave the venue, they should route you out the same way you came in. 
Either way, from the front lot, you'll either go right back to 37 or over
to checkpoints on this road. Have a back-up route in place just in
case the cops change checkpoint locations on you. 

If you see a sign that announces a drug checkpoint ahead, NEVER turn
around. It's a ploy: the cops are looking for cars that turn around. If
you turn around they will pull you over. Just proceed along the road,
chances are you won't hit any checkpoint. 


Keep your vehicle totally maintained. The money you spend keeping your car
in shape is far better spent than paying a lawyer to keep you out of jail.
Never drive on an expired or suspended license or registration.

Be prepared: clean up your car as you approach/exit the Amphitheater. The
car shouldn't smell of smoke or have beer cans strewn about. Never keep
contraband in the car with you, there's never any reason to. This is
because, essentially, cops *cannot* search the trunk of a car unless they
already have grounds to *arrest* you.  In other words, if you are not
intoxicated and have no contraband in the passenger compartment, a cop
*cannot* go into the trunk. Thus, any contraband should be hidden in the
trunk deep inside Mylar bags. You can get Mylar bags at any grocery store.
Reynolds makes a bag that is used for Turkey Basting. These bags work
wonders, they can effectively cover most odors since they are non-porous.
They are well worth the small investment. NEVER use common plastic,
ziplock type bags, they are very porous and don't cover smell's at all. If
you must keep contraband on you while driving, put it securely down your
pants. This is the only place that is reasonably safe. But why risk it?
Put it in the trunk. 

If your dumb enough to drive while drunk you deserve pretty much anything
you get.

Be courteous and cooperative to the cops if you hit the checkpoint. As
soon as you stop the car, place both hands in a place where they will be
visible to the cop. Promptly, provide the cop with all requested info such
as driver's license, registration, etc. You should ALWAYS refuse consent
to a search of your car, ESPECIALLY if you have "nothing to hide"! This is
your 4th Amendment right. If they say, "Do you mind if we just take a look
around in here?" try a reply along the lines of, "Well, actually, we just
wanted to get on our way if we could.". They may ignore you and search
anyway, but if they do it's important to register your adamant denial of
permission: "I do not give you permission to search my car!" 

During a routine stop prior to an arrest, cops *cannot*
go into the pockets of your clothing, they can *only* pat down the
outside of your clothes to feel for weapons.  They can only go into
your pockets if they *feel* an identifiable weapon or identifiable
contraband. NEVER admit to anything, it can and will be used against you
if any charges result from the search. If a cop says he smells something,
say that you "can't smell a thing", etc. Beware open containers of alcohol
in your car, DUI is their primary concern, with any "drug busts" being

If you do get searched, REMEMBER the cop's name, badge number and the
location/time of the stop.  When you are let go, always *FILE A FORMAL
COMPLAINT* with the police or sheriff's department.  Basis for a formal
complaint can be false or illegal arrest, illegal search or seizure, or
harassment. Justice is for sale in this country: these checkpoint searches
are blatantly unconstitutional and anyone with the money for a lawyer can
usually get any charges that result from them dropped. (Too bad we aren't
all so fortunate as to have that kind of money.)  

But, filing complaints does hurt the cops in a number of ways: it stays on
the cop's permanent record; the cop will likely be investigated by the
internal affairs division; complaint files can be obtained by defense
attorneys and used against the police at trial when defending others who
were not as lucky as yourself; complaint files may sometimes be obtained
for use by attorneys in civil suits against officers who violate people's
constitutional rights; the more complaints a particular cop gets, the more
likely that cop is to be reprimanded or at least think twice about
stopping someone for bullshit reasons; finally cops who violate people's
civil rights should not be carrying a badge. Please do this, it is one of
the few weapons available to us in this fight! 


IMMEDIATELY exercise your Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights to remain
silent and have an attorney; DO NOT answer any questions other than to
give your identification; TALK TO NOBODY until you have spoken to an
attorney. Yes, anything you say CAN and **WILL** be used AGAINST you (your
cellmate might want to get a better deal on his case by relaying your
confession to the cops or the prosecutor); Lastly, REMEMBER, a cop's job
is to arrest people and investigate crimes, that's it.  They will lie to
you, make false promises and manipulate the entire chain of events in
order to get you to talk. Don't believe them.  If they wanted to help you,
they wouldn't have arrested you. 

That's it. I hope this summary information benefits the community. Let's
make it a top priority to play it safe, use our heads, and stay out of
jail on future tours. 

*This checkpoint will be in effect for the upcoming Phish show. You have
been warned*

Andy, I was just looking thru some of the stuff on your page and i wass rading the deer creek checkpoint stuff so i decided to drive around and look for back roads to deer creek that are not too confusing. Since i live 10 mins away this was pretty easy. Here is what i found. If you are going north or south on I-69 on your way to deer creek you need to get off the exit labled 116th street. When you get off you will see a McDonalds to your right and the small town of fishers. Turn left on 116th street and go east until you come to this street in the middle of a cornfield on the right called Brooke School Road. Right befor that road you will see a big pong with lots of houses on it. If you turn left there it and follow it straight up it will take you right in front of the deer creek parking lot and is a much shorter way if you are coming from from the south with a lot less hasle from cops trying to stop cars on the way into the show. That is the quickest way to get to deer creek when going north on I-69. I thought thisd info would be helpful come time for summer tour which is getting closer by the minute:):):)

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since 7/24/97, 2:39 P.M.