Today in Phish History
(All setlists retrieved from the glorious Helping Phriendly Book)
November 26
11/26/90 The Haunt, Ithaca, NY..........................................(MON)
1: Landlady > Runaway Jim, Sloth > Reba > Buried Alive, YEM, Paul and Silas,
Bowie, Divided, Makisupa, Llama
2: Uncle Penn, Forbin > Mockingbird, Wilson, Mike's > Hydrogen > Weekapaug
E: Fire, Contact, Highway to Hell
11/26/94 Orpheum Theatre, Minneapolis, MN.............................(SAT)
1: My Friend, Possum, Guyute*, If I Could, Foam, Horse > SITM,
Poor Heart, Cavern
2: Halley's Comet > Bowie, Adeline, Lizards, Sample, Slave
E: Rocky Top
*missing second verse
11/26/97 Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, CT
I: Tweezer > Sparkle, Gumbo, My Soul, McGrupp & The W.H., Dirt,
Split Open And Melt, The Horse > Silent In The Morning,
II: Character Zero > 2001 > Cities > YaMar > Punch You In The Eye,
Prince Caspian, Poor Heart, Tweezer Reprise
E: Cavern
Thanks to Toby for the call!
Pick another day
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